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Real Bible Believers - This is where you’re going to find Bible believing, dispensational, KJV only study materials for you to grow in your Christian walk. Dr. Gene Kim (UC Berkeley & PBI). Click here to visit Real Bible Believers.


AV Publications – The web store site for the collected works of Gail Riplinger, included her best-selling work New Age Bible Versions. NABV is the book which once and for all exposed the demonic intent and purpose behind all the modern translations of the bible, and proves beyond the shadow of any doubt why God’s preserved word is contained in every page of the King James 1611 Authorized Version Holy Bible. Click here to visit AV Publications.


Now The End Begins – A website for all the latest news and updates relating to end times Bible prophecy. Excellent aggregate news

coverage from a Christian perspective. Click here to visit NTEB.


Rapture Forums – Confused about the end times and the coming tribulation? Looking for clarification about the rapture of the church? The Rapture Forums gives you clear, accurate biblical translations on the Book of Revelation as well as the books of Ezekiel and Daniel. You’ll find answers to your questions about the pre-trib rapture, the Antichrist, Armageddon, 666, the Tribulation period, the Apocalypse, and much more. And we’ll help you understand how news headlines relate to the pre-tribulational rapture of the church and the end times as we await the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Click here to visit Rapture Forums.


Unshackled! – Since 1950, Pacific Garden Mission has produced this unique series, making “UNSHACKLED!” the longest-running radio drama in history. Still produced in the style of the “Golden Age” of radio, every element is live at the time of the production — the original music, the creative sound effects and, of course, the dynamic performances of talented professional actors.”UNSHACKLED!” is heard on over 1,800 radio outlets in 148 countries, on six continents, in eight languages—English, Spanish, Arabic, Romanian, Russian, Polish, Korean and Japanese. More than 7,500 times a week, these testimonies of changed lives are heard around the globe. Also, now on the internet at “UNSHACKLED!” Online.         

Click here to visit the Pacific Garden Mission.


Final Fight Bible Radio – Internet radio broadcast standing on the authority of the King James Bible.
Click here to visit


DayStar Publishing - Is a publishing company. Publishing a book is the method used to let the public at large know that your book exists and is available for purchase. There have always been two methods for publishing a book. One, go all over the country at your own expense and visit bookstore after bookstore and try to get them to sell your book, or two, sell your book in manuscript form to a publishing company that will publish the book at its own expense. Click here to visit DayStar Publishing.


Samuel C. Gipp - Dr. Gipp is a former pastor, an evangelist, teacher, author and Bible conference speaker. He has the unique ability to digest large amounts of information and then present it in an analytical and understandable format. His humorous, informative and forceful preaching style make him popular with all ages and keeps him in demand as a Revivalist and Bible conference speaker. Click here to visit Samuel C. Gipp, Th. D.


Bible Believers - contains hundreds and hundreds of articles, books, biographies, podcasts, audio messages, music files, and a church directory. Click here to visit Bible Believers.


Bible Baptist Bookstore - By way of introduction; we are a mail-order ministry, printing and publishing the extensive works of Dr. Peter S. Ruckman. Although covering a wide variety of subjects, the main theme of his material is to identify clearly the preserved word of God. Click here to visit Bible Baptist Bookstore.

SRBC Service Times


Sunday School (Adult & Children)
10:00 am

Sunday Morning Service
11:00 am

Sunday Evening Service
6:00 pm

Wednesday Evening Service
7:00 pm

Saturday Soul Winning
10:30 am

solid rock baptist church



1574 Glenwood Rd, Sussex, NJ 07461

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©2024 by Solid Rock Baptist Church

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